6 November 2011

Online Voting System

Project ID : 061120110111

This is Final year  BCA student project.


    The purpose of this system is to implement the computerization of the details, Polling results, current Polling and candidates. The Online Polling  System is supported through the college Student Records System (SRS). This allows students to login and be authenticated as an entitled voter for election purposes. The Online Polling System is recognized as secure and accurate in its ability to authenticate students and to tabulate voting results.

Students : The person one who votes for the candidates.
Administrator  : The person one who is authorized to keep record of the site content and Administrator can maintain Student and candidate records.
Candidate  : One who stands for voting.
Login ID : It is an ID which is unique to Students, Administrator as well as Candidates.

The Online Polling system will be operated by the administrator and administrator can set time and voting days.
Locations of the Online Polling system will be determined by the elections administration team definitively.
The Administrator will be responsible for activating the Online Polling system at the start of the voting period and deactivating the Online Polling system at the conclusion of the voting period.

This project works well in PCs having PHP 5.0 and MySql 5.2 installed properly.
This student Project available for free of cost.


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